There are various versions for the origin of the name of Massari. The first one contends that Massari was based on Simos Menandros, an the agricultural villas during the Lusignan period (1192-1489 ac). It was most likely a farm where sugarcane was cultivated until the Turkish occupation period 1570-1878 that became a farm. As the years passed, the property passed into Greeks hands. It is reported in 1821 as belonging to Solon Solomis, who was executed by the Turks in July of the same year together with Archbishop Kypriano and other heroes of the island for aiding Greece in attempting to get rid of the Turkish forces.
A competing version of the origin of the village’s name is more fanciful. The story is told that, during the years of the French occupation of “Massari”, the village took its name from the lady-friend of the King (Regin) named Masara who lived in the near-by village of Filia, while the Regina (Queen) his legal wife lived at Kyra village. The Kingdom was in VasilikoVillage while the court of Riga lived in Avlona village. |